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9 Benefits of Cleaning Out the Drain

ABP-cleaning out drain

Working to keep your house clean and healthy means every corner should be inspected. This includes your drainage system which often handles a range of debris such as hair strands, grease, soap suds, leftover food, and more. Over time, all of these can result in a blockage that can lead to a backup.

This can be easily avoided by cleaning out the drain. Unfortunately, many homeowners forego this important maintenance work until a plumbing emergency takes place.

What causes clogged drains?

Everything that goes down your drain can lead to a blockage, and this can happen more quickly if you don’t perform regular maintenance. Soap suds, shampoo, toothpaste, leftover food, and grease, are often pushed down the drain, and over time, these will accumulate and form a significant blockage.

Importance of Drain Cleaning

All wastewater coming from your home eventually goes down your drainage system. If this is not regularly cleaned, waste and all other debris can consequently come together in one place and stay there. This will make it difficult for your plumbing system to “breathe”, leading to such problems as leaks,mold growth, and even flooding. However, when you have a well-maintained drainage, these issues can be easily avoided.

Benefits of Cleaning Out the Drain

To avoid unnecessarily damaging your drains, it’s best that you hire drain cleaners so you can enjoy the following benefits:

1. Elimination of Nasty Smells

Plumbing pipes are known to contain various contaminants, including rotten food particles and waste products which can produce harmful bacteria and a foul odor. When your home drain gets clogged, all this pipe debris will likely backup from the source and into your home. An awful smell can then come out of the drainage system. When this is the case, you could become exposed to various health hazards. Calling a professional drain cleaner is the best option for you to keep this from happening.

2. Longer Pipe Life Span

ABP-Drain Pipe

When drain clogs are reduced, if not completely prevented, many drain cleaning tips say it helps prolong the life of your pipes. If there’s no clog, water moves smoothly through your plumbing, and line damage is avoided.

3. Long-Term Savings

When drains are taken cared of, expect them to save you from disasters like sewage backup. This can mean savings since you need not worry about replacing any pipes. Simply put, prevention is less expensive than pipe repair or replacement.

4. A Healthier Life

A clogged drain means that water is not flowing, making sewage backup likely. Sewage waste is filled with bacteria and germs which can impact on the health of the whole household. Ensure that your plumbing is well-maintained as this is one good way of keeping your family safe from diseases.

5. No Grime Buildup

Another good reason for having clean drains is that you prevent the buildup of dirt, dust, and grime in your pipes. Clogs don’t show up right away because they are often the result of an accumulation of debris. The buildup can only be recognized when you notice that your drain is moving slower than usual. When you see this sign, call an expert plumber right away.

6. Minimal Repair Costs

ABP-Drain Pipe Repair

Regularly cleaning out the drain can save you money that you would otherwise spend on expensive repairs. Even if a pipe has to be fixed, this will not cost much if a plumber comes in regularly to check your plumbing.

7. Quiet Pipes

When there’s a problem with your drainage system, it’s common to hear strange squeaking sounds coming from the pipes. These noises can sometimes be irritating, especially if they become too loud and too frequent. Yet, they could be telling you that there is an obstruction somewhere in your plumbing system that you need to remove.

8. Faster Moving Drains

When getting your drains regularly cleaned, it results in a smoother and faster flow of water. This allows you to enjoy taking a shower or even washing your hands.

9. Early Damage Detection

Even if there are no clear signs that there’s a problem with your drainage, don’t readily accept this as the truth. It’s still best to get the services of a professional drain cleaner because preventing sewage problems is better than facing the dangers of water damage.

Practical Drain Cleaning Tips

Below are some practical tips you can try when cleaning your drains.

1. Don’t use commercial cleaners.

Homemade drain cleaners like a vinegar and baking soda solution are better options for most drain cleaning activities. Commercial drain cleaning products can be effective but they can damage your pipeline because of the harsh chemicals that they contain.

2. Use boiling water.

Pour this down your clogged drain to loosen any blockage trapped inside. This step is easy and simple, but you should only consider this as the first move towards unclogging your drain. It’s still best to call an expert plumber to help you out.

3. Get a drain screen.

This is a common home maintenance solution especially if you don’t like drain cleaning work. The screen or filter is placed atop the drains found in the bathroom and in your kitchen sink to prevent hair, soap, and food particles from passing through.

Key Takeaway

Drain cleaning is an essential household chore, but some people are not exactly comfortable with the idea even when they use various cleaning materials. This is somewhat understandable because you’re not certain what your hands might capture when you reach deep down your drainage.

When this is the case, the next best option is to avail of the services of professional plumbers. Many of these experts are known for being hardworking and always ready to do the dirty jobs like cleaning your drainage.

Get the best drain cleaner in town only from Absolute Electrical Heating and Air.

If the costs involved in cleaning your drains are preventing you from getting the services of professionals, try Absolute Electrical Heating and Air. We assure you that we’ll get rid of that clog blocking your drain at an affordable rate.

Our Arvada, CO, plumbers use the latest technology in plumbing to examine your drainage system and unclog it. We guarantee satisfactory results. Call us now.


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