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6 Home Improvement Myths That Cost You BIG TIME!

Oftentimes, home improvement projects are good investments that boost property values. Unfortunately, there are plenty of misconceptions about home improvement that cost homeowners big bucks. Here are a few of the most prevalent home improvement myths making the rounds.

Electrical Projects Don’t Require Permits

Many homeowners erroneously believe that electrical upgrades don’t require a permit if no structural modifications are being made. The reality is that a Colorado State Electrical permit is required if you plan on installing or modifying wiring around the house. Anything more serious than receptacle or switch replacement will necessitate a little paperwork on your part.

Once you’ve obtained a permit for an electrical upgrade, it’s certainly legal to do the work yourself. However, you can’t perform the work on a property that’s up for sale or rent. Furthermore, your work must be inspected by a professional to ensure compliance with the National Electrical Code before the drywall is replaced.

One Contractor Quote Is Good Enough

The average homeowner will pick the contractor with the best online reviews and pay whatever they ask for. While this strategy typically delivers decent results, it rarely gets you the most bang for your buck. The reality is that pricing for home improvement work fluctuates wildly and isn’t always indicative of quality.

As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to get at least three quotes for any project before choosing a contractor. Furthermore, a quote worth considering should come with a general breakdown of parts and labor costs. For the most part, picking a quote in the middle of the price curve is a good idea.

I Can Tackle the Job Myself

Thanks to the instructional power of the Internet, homeowners feel more confident attempting DIY home repairs nowadays. Unfortunately, many weekend warriors develop a false sense of confidence and bite off more than they can chew. For instance,air conditioner installation often requires an understanding of electrical wiring that you can’t obtain by watching a YouTube video.

Unless you’re fully confident in your knowledge of a home improvement procedure, it’s best to hire an expert for the job. Professionals have the tools and experience necessary to avoid bad outcomes.

Referrals From Friends Are a Great Idea

It’s tempting to opt for a “friend of a friend” when looking for a trustworthy contractor. Referrals from acquaintances can be a bad idea for several reasons. Just because a contractor’s style satisfies a friend doesn’t mean that it’ll be acceptable to you. Furthermore, it’s rarely wise to mix business with your personal life.

You should always do your own research when finding contractors for any given home improvement scenario. Be sure to ask specific questions about costs, time frames, and customer references before making a commitment. If the service provider that best meets your needs happens to be a friend’s recommendation, then so be it.

Repairing Is Cheaper Than Replacing

Assuming that repair is cheaper than replacement is the hallmark of homeowners who are penny wise and pound foolish. Replacing old appliances with modern units usually makes more fiscal sense when you factor in utility costs. What’s more, people tend to forget about the labor costs associated with seemingly simple repairs.

Before you decide to repair or replace anything, it’s important to perform a basic cost analysis of both options. Remember to consider the cost and availability of replacement parts for older hardware. And keep in mind that warranties on some parts may no longer apply if the manufacturer goes out of business.

Making the Most of Your Home Improvement Budget

Even if you’re an avid home improvement DIYer, you’ll probably need to hire a professional at some point. Partnering up with the right service providers will save you a mint over time. If you choose professional service providers wisely, you’ll achieve superior returns on investments when all is said and done.

Are you in over your head with an electrical project? Absolute Plumbing, Electrical, Heating & Air will come to your rescue! To schedule an appointment, call 720-669-4188.


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